10 things you should do near the end of a project

Depending on the size of your organization, you may treat project management as a casual practice or you may have an involved PMO. In either case, you probably go through the typical inception, elaboration, and construction phases of a project. But when it comes to the end of a project, many project managers come up just short of the finish line. Failure to handle the final steps can add confusion to an initiative and may lead to customer dissatisfaction, unhappy staff, and a project dragging on longer than necessary.

Here are a few things you should be thinking about when you get to the end of your next project. Some of these items are purely administrative, but many of them will help get you one step closer to ensuring that your project is successful.
#1: Finalize testing
Testing can be a drain on people, and many of us don’t like to do it — especially when it takes a few rounds. I have seen complex projects that were four to six months long have a day or two scheduled for testing. Not scheduling an adequate amount of testing usually ends up with problems occurring during the first few weeks of an implementation. Don’t take a shortcut here and minimize the importance of testing; otherwise, you’ll take on the additional risk of having a painful rollout.

#2: Finalize training
Users? Who cares about users? Well, many projects are done for their benefit, so make sure you have all your testing materials completed and delivered. Failure to do so will most likely manifest itself in the form of angry phone calls from irate users in the middle of the night.

#3: Validate deliverables
You’ve checked all your boxes and cleaned out your inbox, and you really think you’re done. But what does your customer think? Schedule time with customers to review all the deliverables and ensure they have been met. In some cases, there may be a few outstanding issues still unresolved when you get to your scheduled end date. Early on in your project, you should have made an agreement that determines how this will affect your end date if this situation occurs.

#4: Get project signoff
After you’ve agreed that all the deliverables have been met, request a formal signoff on the project documentation. Doing so helps ensure that everybody is in agreement on the state of the project. Since this signoff usually signals the formal end of the project, be careful not to make your customers feel pressured into signing. If they do this without understanding what it means, you will likely end up with an unsatisfied customer if an issue arises at a later date.

#5: Release the team
Now that the project is done, where is your team going? Depending on the organization, they may be sent back to a development pool or into the business. Or maybe they need to go drum up some work for themselves within the company. No matter what it is, make sure you spend time with them and set a clear end date for when you no longer need their services. Also don’t forget that you probably need to complete any performance review documents that need to be added to their file.

#6: Analyze actual vs. planned
Resources. Did you really get away with only one developer/tester for 10 weeks or did you need to scramble and get more people? What about the amount of time you scheduled for your business partners? Understanding how well you hit these targets will help you better allocate resources for your next project and set more realistic expectations when it comes to a project’s duration.

Budget. How much was the project going to cost? Did you come in on budget, under budget, over budget? Sitting down to understand the answers to these basic questions should give you some insight into a critical area of any project.

#7: Archive documentation
During any project, we seem to create huge amounts of documentation. It can range from scope documents and project plans to contracts and meeting minutes. Whatever it is, when you are done you should have someplace to keep it based on the retention policy of your company. You’ll be glad you did when your phone rings two years from now and somebody asks you to explain the rationale behind a choice you made during the course of the project.

#8: Ensure contract closure
It’s not unusual for a project to have its own budget. You also may have contracts for hardware, software, or professional services. When you’re done, make sure that you verify that all the terms of your contracts have been met, request final invoices from vendors and submit them to AP, and close out any associated financial accounts, if necessary.

#9: Conduct a postmortem meeting
What types of risks did you identify and mitigate? What went really well that you want to ensure you do again next time? Have a meeting with all the project stakeholders and relevant participants to provide them with a forum to express any lessons learned.

#10: Perform a self assessment
So it’s finally over. After all the hard work has been completed, you’ve made sure that all the i’s have been dotted and all the t’s crossed. Now what do you do? It’s important to get some feedback on your performance from the people you interacted with during the project. If you have the opportunity to send out a 360-degree feedback survey to as many individuals as possible, I would recommend it. It will help you assess how you’re progressing and will give you some great direction in deciding which personal growth opportunities you should focus on.

This list won’t be the same for everybody and will depend on your organization and how it implements projects. But if you can do them, it will always make the transition to the next project smoother.

Time for transition? Vista vs. XP, 32-bit vs. 64-bit

I was around during the days of the tech industry’s move from 16-bit to 32-bit computing. Although it was chaotic at times, I don’t remember things being quite as convoluted as they seem to be today. Of course, I could be remembering incorrectly!

Today, IT leaders are considering mass migrations to new operating systems, new Office suites and to new 64-bit architectures. On the surface of things, answers to these questions may seem easy, but as you dig deeper, things aren’t quite so clear.

Vista vs. XP
You’ve probably read article after article from IT pundits indicating that Vista isn’t ready for prime time. And, in this section, you’ll read yet one more opinion on this matter. Quite frankly, I really like Microsoft products, so it’s disappointing to write something negative about what should have been one of the company’s crown jewels.

Vista isn’t ready for prime time. This opinion is not based on reading articles or watching the news. It’s based on experience and fact. I’ve been running Vista since the day it became available on Microsoft’s licensing download site. Prior to that, I experimented a bit with the beta releases. To say that Vista is buggy and unreliable is the understatement of teh year. My main reason for running Vista on my office machine was to better familiarize myself with the product. At home, however, I needed to be able to use RAM beyond 4 GB, so I installed the 64-bit version. Although my main need–the ability to access RAM beyond the 4 GB barrier–has been satisfied, the overall experience hasn’t been smooth. Drivers haven’t been a problem, either. I run a Dell Precision 690, so my driver needs are pretty standard. I’m not running anything weird. However, other things simply don’t work right. For example, on this system, I’m also running Office 2007 and I’m not able to save files using some of the new file formats. In particular, Excel is a mess. I can save files just fine in XLS format, but not in XLSX. OneNote? Forget it. The cache is corrupt, so until I can rebuild my system, I’m running OneNote in a 32-bit virtual machine. Of course, Ive Googled my problem until my fingers hurt, but nothing has yet rectified the problem. Permissions problems? Yep. At times, I get random “access denied” errors to my stuff. At first glance, some may say that I have serious virus or spyware problems or that I screwed up the install somehow. But, with almost 15 years of deep Windows experience and an MCSE, I’m pretty confident in my ability to install Windows and clean my machine. Between my own experience, as well as the experiences of my staff and the feedback we’ve gotten from our user base, we’re sticking with Windows XP for the foreseeable future.

Office 2007 and permissions on my XP machine? Smooth sailing all the way.
That said, Microsoft has made a lot of noise lately about end-of-lifing Windows XP based on their product support cycle. Personally, I think Microsoft does a pretty good job supporting older products and feel that, by the time a product is no longer supported, there is a viable replacement on the market. This time, however, Microsoft needs to take a hard look at the market and the feedback they’ve received and be honest with themselves. After a ton of time developing Vista, I can imagine that the last thing Microsoft wants to do it publicly admit that it’s not the product it was supposed to be and their sales figures seem to back them up. It’s important to note, though, that new PCs that are shipped with Vista and then downgraded to Windows XP, are counted as Vista sales. Westminster College this year purchased around 90 computers with Windows Vista. Every single one was downgraded to XP. Now, I know that 90 computers is a miniscule fraction of PC sales, but we’re far from the only organization with a similar downgrade policy that purchased computers with Vista.

If Microsoft sticks with their original plan, we may all be forced to the Vista bandwagon whether we want to ride it or not. Even though our experience thus far hasn’t been stellar, we’ll continue to evaluate the system for an eventual deployment. Maybe Vista will stabilize at some point before Windows 7 is released. By the way, for Windows 7, I’d love to see Microsoft jettison built-in backward compatibility in favor of a totally revamped operating system and use their Virtual PC/Virtual Server/HyperV layer to achieve backward compatibility as an optional component. I seem to recall that another computer manufacturer went down this road a while back with great success.

32-bit vs. 64-bit computing
At the same time that organizations are considering their Vista plans, the 32-bit to 64-bit migration possibility is on the table. From what I’ve seen, heard and experienced, most organizations are staying with 32-bit on the desktop and moving to 64-bit slowly in the data center. Again, Microsoft has not necessarily made the migration decision a no-brainer. In some cases, 64-bit isn’t optional. For example, if you want to run Exchange Server 2007, in production, you need 64-bit Windows whether you want it or not. But, the choice isn’t always so clear cut. Imagine, for example, an organization that has made the decision to move to 64-bit Windows for its SQL Server 2005 databases, but is sticking with 32-bit for other servers–perhaps they’ve virtualized some of their environment on Virtual Server 2005, which doesn’t support 64-bit guests.

It’s a sensible move, but not without its own complications. Take System Center Essentials, for example. Before System Center Essentials SP1 was released, SCE couldn’t run in “mixed mode”. That is, if SCE was 32-bit, the database server had to be 32-bit as well. These kinds of incompatibilities make organizations very wary about moving to a new platform, and reasonably so. Who wants incompatibilities where there simply should be no problem? Why would products be released at this point that have such obvious lack of interoperability in reasonable environments? Sure, with SCE SP1, 32-bit/64-bit mixed mode operation is now possible, but there simply has to be more emphasis on making sure that every new product can run where it needs to run–out of the gate. IT folks are always asked to do more with less and with less time than we had in the past. Make our lives a bit easier!

Even today, Windows Home Server connector software and Microsoft’s Groove clients do not support 64-bit clients.
So, what’s the solution? Careful research and a good plan. If you need Groove, you can’t go to 64-bit Vista. If you need 32-bit SCE, make sure you have a compatible database server and so on. You may still get frustrated because a particular combination doesn’t work, but at least you won’t be surprised.

Now, I’ve done a lot of Microsoft bashing in this posting, which isn’t my modus operandi. As I stated earlier, I actually like Microsoft’s product a whole lot and find them to be excellent solutions. Although we’re facing some serious transitional pain today, I’m confident that Microsoft will learn from its mistakes and release a Windows 7 that is truly innovative and will continue to recognize the importance of 64-bit and better synchronize their 32/64-bit platforms.

10 common mistakes you should avoid when flashing your BIOS

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is critical to the proper operation of your computer. It is the first code that is executed at start-up and defines the way your motherboard will communicate with the system hardware components.

The decision to flash your BIOS should not be taken lightly. It is essential that you do it mistake free if you still want to be able to use your computer.

For the purposes of this article I am going to assume that you understand the risks of flashing your BIOS and have a good reason for upgrading your existing BIOS. If are not familiar with the basics of flashing the BIOS or if you are not 100 percent sure that flashing your BIOS is the right thing to do then please read the companion article Three Good Reasons for Flashing Your BIOS.

Disclaimer: Flashing the BIOS incorrectly can lead to an unusable system. Flash the BIOS at your own risk.

I have detailed ten common mistakes that are made during a BIOS upgrade listed in order from the beginning to the end of the BIOS flashing process.

1. Misidentification of your motherboard make/model/revision number
If you built your computer then you know the brand of the motherboard that you purchased and you will also likely know the model number. The revision number may be less well known to you.

If you purchased your computer prebuilt, as most people do, then you probably don’t know what is under the hood. You might be able to get the information by entering the serial number of the PC on a Web site, but when it comes to flashing your BIOS you need to be 100 percent accurate and the information on the Web site could be incorrect. The only way to know for sure your motherboard make is to pop off the side panel or open the case and take a peek. (Figure A) Look for the manufacturer, model number and a revision number. (Figure B)

Figure A

The motherboard make is printed on the motherboard. Do not get the name from the fans.

Figure B

The motherboard model can be printed on the motherboard or as in this case, on a sticker placed on the motherboard.

You can also get pertinent information from the initial POST screen. (Figure C) The first line in the upper left portion of the screen shows the BIOS maker and version. The second line shows the motherboard model, BIOS version and date. The lower left section of the screen shows the BIOS version date, motherboard model and BIOS ID.

Figure C

2. Failing to research or understand the BIOS update details
Even properly researching the changes in the BIOS upgrades may not be enough to completely understand exactly what was changed. Often these BIOS upgrade notes are written by techs with little or poor knowledge of English and rarely are the details noted in full. It is not uncommon to find something similar to this.X38-002A BIOS Upgrade


Fix to E6400 S3 resume problem

There are several issues with this. You need to know what E6400 and S3 are. Even after learning that an E6400 is an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and S3 is one of four sleep functions in the PC’s power settings, you then need to know if you have an E6400 CPU. If you do, are you using the S3 STR (Suspend To RAM) Sleep option in Windows and having problems with it?

You can’t expect your motherboard manufacturer to explain what E6400 and S3 mean, but they should be able to explain what the problem was that was fixed. Perhaps if more people requested this, more detailed information might be included in the BIOS update notes in the future.

Most BIOS updates are cumulative. You will need to review all of the BIOS update notes after your current BIOS version in order to know all of the changes made with the latest upgrade version.

3. Flashing your BIOS for a fix that is not needed
As you can see from the example above, it is often difficult to understand exactly what fix was implemented with a BIOS upgrade. It is equally difficult for the average PC user to determine if any of the hardware in their system is included in the fix. As a rule of thumb if your computer is operating normally, leave it alone.

If you are unsure if a BIOS update will fix a problem that you are having with your PC, you can ask for more information from the manufacturer. Be 100 percent sure that the BIOS update will fix any issues that you may be having before flashing the BIOS. Hoping a BIOS update will fix a problem that you are experiencing is a poor reason to risk a BIOS flash.

4. Flashing your BIOS with the wrong BIOS file
Most BIOS updates come as a zipped file containing the binary code file, the flash utility, and sometimes a README file. Flashing the erasable memory of your BIOS with the wrong code is almost certain to cause failure the next time you try to boot. Be careful when selecting the file. Many motherboard model names are similar within a single manufacturer. Download the file for the exact make/model/revision of your motherboard.

The flash utility included in the download should match the BIOS manufacturer information on the initial POST screen. In the example above, I have an Award BIOS from Phoenix Technologies (Phoenix Technologies and Award merged in 1998). The older version of the Award flash utility that I received in my BIOS update file was called AWDFLASH.EXE. The latest version is called AFU869.EXE. The acronym AFU stands for the Award Flash Update Utility. It also coincidentally stands for what happens if your flash goes bad.

5. Using an outdated version of the manufacturer flash utility or tool
You may be tempted to pull out the CD that came with the motherboard or computer and use the utilities on the CD to flash your BIOS. It is well worth your time to download the latest utilities from your motherboard manufacturer or computer maker. There is usually a good reason why a new version of the flash program has been made available.

You will need to go to the motherboard manufacturer or computer makers Website to download the latest version of the BIOS code anyway, so plan to download the latest flashing utilities or tools at the same time.

6. Not following or understanding the motherboard manufacturers specific directions
Most of you reading this article and considering a BIOS upgrade are probably of the male persuasion. Like me you probably don’t like reading and following directions. This is one time when reading and following the motherboard manufacturer instructions are essential. Each motherboard has specific steps that must be followed to have the upgrade succeed.

One example of this is a jumper on some motherboards or a setting in some BIOSes that must be changed to enable BIOS memory writing.

Instructions for flashing your make of motherboard can usually be found on the manufacturers Website. Specific instructions are sometimes placed in a README.txt file that comes with the BIOS flash file. Look for and read the instructions in this file carefully.

If you have read all of the steps needed to flash your BIOS and there are some steps that you don’t understand, get help from the manufacturer or consider having a professional do the install for you.

7. Flashing your BIOS without an UPS or at higher risk times
It is best to flash your BIOS with a UPS installed to provide backup power to your system. A power interruption or failure during the flash will cause the upgrade to fail and you will not be able to boot the computer.

Don’t assume that this can’t happen to you. I was converting the file system on the root drive on a PC once at 2:00 in the morning when I heard a loud pop outside. The lights blinked and the conversion failed. Apparently a transformer had blown in the neighborhood interrupting my power just long enough to ruin my day, or rather night. I had to reinstall the operating system from scratch.

If you don’t have access to a UPS, flash the BIOS in the late evenings or when the risk of power outages are lower. Avoid flashing the BIOS during thunderstorms, windy days, high peak electrical usage, prime drive time or any other time when power outages are more likely.

8. Flashing the BIOS from within Windows with other applications running
Flashing your BIOS from within Windows is universally discouraged by motherboard manufacturers. If you absolutely must flash your BIOS from within Windows and are willing to accept the additional risks involved, close all running applications and unnecessary processes. Antivirus processes running in the background are notorious for causing problems.
TechRepublic has a list of services that can be disabled in XP and in Vista.

9. Flashing an overclocked system
Some information I found while researching this article recommended not flashing your PC while it is overclocked. You may be able to successfully flash your overclocked system, but why take the additional risks? I don’t recommend overclocking except for the most experienced users with minimal changes and only for good reason. If you have an overclocked PC, you should be familiar enough with the BIOS to be able to reset the settings to their default values. Play it safe and throttle back.

10. Failing to have a recovery plan if the BIOS flash fails
When things go wrong it is a good idea to have a recovery plan. If your flash utility offers it, make a backup of your existing BIOS code. If this option is not available, download a copy of your current BIOS version or find a utility that will back up your current BIOS code. The original BIOS file should be on a bootable floppy with the flash utility and ready to install.
Prepare in advance for a floppy read failure by making bootable backup copies to have on hand. Mark your floppies with the BIOS version to know which are the new, and which are the original versions. It is also a good idea to copy the files to a Temp directory on the hard drive to verify that the files can be read or you can run CHKDSK to verify that there are no bad sectors on the floppy.

Research possible recovery options in advance and print them out. If you plan for a failure you will be less likely to panic if one occurs. If a failure does happen to you, do not turn off your computer. A failed flash means that the BIOS is likely corrupted and a reboot will fail. Keep the support number for your computer written down and available.

Plan for the worst case scenario; consider keeping a backup PC handy and ready to use.

The Final Word
If you have noticed some themes in this article then you are quite perceptive, patient reader:
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare!
Minimize the risks
Become educated and do your research
Double and triple check your work
I hope that these ten tips will aid you the next time you upgrade your BIOS. Happy flashing to you.

Five security tips from MediaWiki’s lead developer

Brion Vibber, the Wikimedia Foundation’s lead developer, is the guiding hand behind the ongoing improvement of MediaWiki. MediaWiki is one of the most widely-used Web applications in the world, and is the software basis for Wikipedia. On the Wikitech mailing list, he offered some insight into how he ensures secure development of the MediaWiki software.

Paraphrased slightly, the five key points are:

Don’t construct SQL by hand; use query-building abstractions to ensure proper encoding.
Don’t construct HTML output by hand; use wiki parser where suitable or XML-building abstractions to ensure proper encoding.
Don’t use $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, and similar values directly; use abstractions that provide some basic data type validation.
Don’t use explicit include()s or require()s with configured paths; use class autoloader. When an explicit include is needed, always precede it with a constant check to avoid remote include vulnerabilities.
Make sure the fuzz testing tools get pulled out from time to time to look for HTML injection bugs (i.e. XSS vulnerabilities) and other such surprises.
All of this can really be boiled down to the following:
Use tools that are designed to produce consistent, reliable, secure code. When there’s a problem, fix the tool — not just the code it produced. This helps guard against human error, reduces duplication of effort, and ensures your developers always know what’s going on in the code so they won’t introduce bugs later trying to extend others’ work.
Test the results, regardless of how good a job you think you did. Subject it to significant stress, looking for where it breaks and misbehaves.

How do I… Uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 7?

The venerable Web browser continues to evolve. No longer just an application for displaying HTML, the Web browser now has to handle JavaScript, PHP, Java, Active X controls, loosely coupled Web services, plug-ins, multimedia, XML, RSS feeds and more. The Web browser has become an integral part of the total computer experience. All of those expectations make choosing a preferred browser more important than many ever thought it would or should be.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) and Mozilla Firefox 2 are the latest Web browser contenders for your attention (apologies to fans of Opera and other Web browsers, but these are the two that garner the most attention). Many of us have tried both and made a decision about which is the browser of choice.
If you have chosen Firefox 2, then you may want to uninstall IE7. But this brings up two questions: Can you uninstall IE7 and if you can how do you do it? The answers are: Yes, you can and here’s how.
Uninstall IE7If your installation of IE7 was successful and uneventful, then uninstalling it is relatively simple process. The following steps will uninstall IE7 and restore IE 6.

Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Click Add or Remove Programs.
Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.
If for some reason Windows Internet Explorer 7 does not appear in the Add or Remove Programs, you should:

Open Windows Explorer
Click Tools Folder Options
Click the View tab
Make sure the radio button next to Show hidden files and folders is on
Click OK
Click Start, and then click Run
Type: %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe into the text box and click Enter
Specified user account
In some cases, you may get an error message when you try to uninstall IE7 that says you cannot uninstall from a specified user account. To get around this check you will have to edit the Windows Registry.

Warning: Editing the Windows Registry incorrectly can cause the Windows operating system to stop functioning completely. This is an advanced operation and you are encouraged to back up the Windows Registry before you attempt any editing of the file. You have been warned.
Bypass the user account check with this Windows Registry edit:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER.
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.
Right-click the Internet Explorer key, click New, and then click DWORD value.
Type InstalledByUser as the name, and then press ENTER to finish creating the new registry value.
Try to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 again.